Today a very quick post about an amazing but limited opportunity for if ever you have had a great idea for a medical device. Or think you have one!
One of my resources - Protomed - is running a very limited number of 1 hour brainstorming sessions with their team of experienced engineers and experts.
This is something you will not want to miss out on.
If you're struggling with your prototyping phase, or just need some expert advice on how to do that better, then Protomed will be able to help you. Or if you have problems with validation - their experts can help you. And if you are not sure how you get that design all the way through to a manufacturable product - then jump on this one hour FREE brainstorm. You'll be mad to not talk to at least talk to them. .
This offer is limited so first come first serve and you can book you session by CLICKING HERE
Throughout my course - How to Start Up In Medtech - I talk about the need to get professional help and advice early on. I cannot stress enough that if you get a set of professionals to help you ideate your idea "sooner," then what comes out of the other end of your R&D pipe will be way better, built to be manufactured - not just be a lab project - and be set up to be built with the right feature set at the right price. A massive massive miss is always that R&D is never directed well enough around cost early on. The market in medtech is not a consumer market with unlimited ability to pay - instead it is constrained by ability to pay and willingness to pay.
If you have an idea - or are working through an idea - then I highly recoemnd that you have a great two way brainstorm with this team - and it's for FREE - so you might be a bit insane to not take advantage of this.
I know there are a lot of you reading this that are in big companies and wondering "What do I do next?" and many of you have a great "idea" but don't know if it should ever become a project... what would that R&D project look like? Where do I start? Then I encourage you to take two actions :
Book a 1 hour free session with Protomed - to just literally brainstorm.
get on my courses on how to build and run a medical device start up here - COURSES
For many of you - staying where you are is the right thing now - biut for many others with that burning entrepreneurial spirit - this could be the push you need to start that side gig project and set yourself up for the next phase of your medical device journey.
Worth an hour?
You can find out a bit more about Protomed here LINK