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Has Ethicon used its reach in sutures to outsmart the other robotics companies?

Writer's picture: Steve BellSteve Bell

AITA is a trojan horse to OR data
AITA that DATA trojan horse

Now and again I see a post on Linked In and I think. Hmm that’s smart. Then I dig deeper as things don’t seem to be what they appear. I saw this company AITA do a small post in the corner of linked in… and as a former Ethicon employee I couldn’t help but feel that suture management was a massive unmet need in many hospitals.

I thought… “Finally someone may have brought a smart solution to an age old problem of suture management.”

But then I started to go down the rabbit hole and it wasn’t until I got to the bottom of their page that I saw it. Tucked away. Almost “hidden”

In fact it suddenly hit me when I looked at the branding - the style of the site - was someone trying to hide something? And then it hit me!!!

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